His dad was a police dog. His mom was a trickster god. He’s the world’s fastest pizza dog.
Red Bull may give you wings, but this drink gives you faces. And gas.
I haven’t done much lineless art, and this one ended up taking more work than I thought it would, but I love how it turned out. I might do a lot more art with this look.
Get a load of this guy. Watching TV at 4 AM, eating chips on the couch. Those are the really good chips, too! Those were supposed to be for the party!
Six-tailed fox with an extra detachable head. Agender, he/him. Wears whatever is comfortable, which is usually next to nothing.
No idea if this is a rare strain that’s also responsible for his super regeneration powers, but it may explain why he enjoys having big cats tear him to shreds.
Wyatt the Hydrotter and his dad for this year’s Draw Cerberus Day. (Yeah, I know he’s a hydra and not a cerb. Shush.)
Jillian Nobles, Psychotherapist
Feeling hopeless? Isolated? Invalidated? Or just really weird? She can help.
I saw a video where someone claimed that people like music in 4/4 because we have two legs. It made me think, “If that were true, then would three-leggers prefer to waltz?”